Military Art of People's War by Vo Nguyen Giap

Military Art of People's War by Vo Nguyen Giap

Author:Vo Nguyen Giap [Giap, Vo Nguyen]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Communism; Post-Communism & Socialism, Military, Political Ideologies, Vietnam War, Political Science, History
ISBN: 9781583678244
Publisher: NYU Press
Published: 2019-02-15T11:13:56+00:00

From Correct Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics to Military Art in a People’s War

To insure the success of a revolutionary war, it is necessary to have both correct strategy and correct tactics, which constitute the military art of people’s war.

This military art must originate from the Party’s revolutionary strategy and tactics. From the strategic objective, the objective of operations, to the principles guiding military strategy, and the like, all these fundamental questions are determined by the general strategy and tactics of the revolution. Military art must originate from the revolutionary character, the just character of the people’s war, and also from the particular conditions of the enemy, our own and those of the theater of operations, if it is to solve in a correct and creative manner the problems relating to the direction of strategy, operations, and tactics, with a view to winning victory.

Our Party’s military art is imbued with the popular character of revolutionary armed struggle; it regards the masses’, the workers’ and the laboring people’s determination to carry out a thorough revolution, and the determination of the armed forces to fight and to win as the most basic and decisive factor in bringing about victory. That is also the revolutionary character, the class character, and the Party character of our military art.

Our military art is that of a small nation, whose armed force is still weak in equipment and technique but which rises up to fight against an enemy who is materially much stronger. This is a military art, whose characteristic is to defeat material force with moral force, defeat what is strong with what is weak, defeat what is modern with what is primitive, defeat the modern armies of the aggressive imperialists with the people’s patriotism and determination to carry out a thorough revolution.

Our military art has successfully solved a number of questions relating to strategy, operations, and tactics, with a view to defeating a strong enemy; it has correctly determined the relations between man and weapons, politics and technique, regarding the human factor, the political factor, as the decisive factor, while considering weapons and technique also important. Now that the people’s armed forces have the possibility of having better equipment, of being strengthened materially and technically, our military art is still firmly maintaining the above guiding principles, combining politics and technique on the basis that politics and fighting spirit are the essential factor, which enhances to the highest degree the fighting power of the armed forces.

Our military art thoroughly grasps the dialectical process of revolutionary violence evolving into an entire people’s uprising or developing into a people’s war; that is why it not only stresses that armed struggle is the continuation of political struggle, but attaches great importance to the political force of the masses while building the armed forces, as it considers the combination of political struggle and armed struggle as a problem of strategic direction, and a most important factor to ensure victory.

The people’s war generally takes place in conditions when our side enjoys absolute political superiority over an enemy materially stronger than we are.


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